Real-time monitoring for Pine Weevils:
Protect your saplings from weevil damage
The large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) is a leading cause of tree mortality in Europe. A key challenge is knowing where the population is greatest in real-time across thousands of hectares. Spotta’s 24/7 monitoring solves this while reducing the labour required
The problems Pine Weevils cause
Early detection of this pest is key to effective management, but current monitoring methods are highly manual and often rely on inspection to assess damage, before control measures can be implemented
Spotta's Solution
Early warning system for Large Pine Weevil in forests
Developed in partnership with the Scottish Government, our system allows foresters to detect the presence of Large Pine Weevils remotely. The network of monitors attract and identify weevils. Users see weevil activity data on our user dashboard in real time
See how it works.
Real-time data make site management simple and effective
Spotta’s system has been proven to be 8x more sensitive and require significantly less labour than current monitoring practices (billet monitoring). The system is cost-effective, robust to outdoor conditions and requires minimal servicing only once per year

Track weevil emergence in real time

Take action sooner and more precisely